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What's Cooking?


This is the easiest breakfast you can make, and kids will be all gaga over it. You can also sneak in a bunch of fruits and they will yet love you for making a special meal :-) If you are really ambitious, slip in a couple of teaspoons of wheat germ along with the all purpose flour. 


1 1/2 c      all purpose flour
3 1/2 tsp   baking powder
1/2 tsp      salt
1 tbsp       sugar (more if you like sweeter ones)
1 1/4 c      milk
1               egg
3 tbsp       melted butter
few           blueberries (optional)

Makes about 8 pancakes.

In a large bowl sift the dry ingredients together. Make a well in the center and add the wet ingredients. Whish until smooth.

Heat a griddle. Put a small dab of butter on the griddle. Pour some batter onto the griddle. Sprinkle wth a few blueberries.

Wait until the batter begins to bubble and then flip over carefully with a large spatula. If the pancake breaks, just put the pieces together and they stick back again.

Serve hot with maple syrup and whipped cream and fruits.